By Beatriz de A. G., 9 years old, Colégio Santo Ivo, São Paulo (SP)

Scarlet of Arfadia is a book I loved. Here is a spoiler: there are elves, magicians, humans, moons (plural), sun, winged horses, evil sorcerers, death, war, and bathrooms! Even with all the bad stuff, the book is still a lot of fun, because of the way the story is told. Despite the character’s situation, it is really funny. I think if it were a movie, it could be put in the comedy, fantasy, and adventure categories.

The only criticism I have is that I would like to know about some things that I thought would be found at the end, which are not. I wish there was a second Scarlet of Arfadia book. You can also read two Scarlet of Arfadia books for kids.


1) Why would the author of the text want a second book for the story?

a) Because there could be more magical beings

b) So the story has fewer bad things.

c) To create a movie

d) So a few more things about the story could be explained.

2) Are you interested in stories about magic and creatures like elves? Why?

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