Once Upon a Time Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes, adapted by Agustín Sánchez Aguilar and translated by Marina Colasanti, Editora Global)

By Nicole T. F. P., age 10, Colégio Eccos, São José dos Campos (SP)

A man named Alonso Quijano loved to read books on poetry, romance, and especially chivalry. These books were about very brave people who were always going on adventures and called themselves “knight-errant”. They travelled on roads by horseback with swords, spears, shields, and armors.

The knight-errant helped the poor, defeated giants, and dreamed of beautiful princesses. Don Alonso read so many books that he did not eat or sleep. He did it so much that he went crazy, said he was going to be a knight-errant and that he would be called Don Quixote de La Mancha.

Don Quixote found a very thin horse and named it Rocinante. He also needed a princess, but in La Mancha there were only peasant women. That is until he remembered Aldonza Lorenzo. Don Quixote even found a squire, called Sancho Panza, and together they had great adventures.

1) How did Alonso Quijano find out about the walking knights?
a) Talking to Sancho Panza
b) Through a story told by a peasant woman
c) His father was one.
d) Through books

2) Are you interested in reading the book? Why?

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