
O Segredo da Vila Sinistra (the secret of the sinister village) by Simone Pedersen (Avis Brasilis Publisher) — From the third grade at Walter Belian Public State School, São Paulo (SP)

The book O Segredo da Vila Sinistra, written by Simone Pedersen and illustrated by Ed Closs, is about a family that moves to a house in a village. At first, the mother wonders if the house is located in a village that they used to be scared of when they were children. The father laughs it off and says that ghosts and monsters do not exist.

This is a book filled with colorful images that grab the reader’s attention. With each page, the reader identifies with the fears mentioned by the author. Compared to other books with the same theme, it is interactive and teaches a lesson because, in the end, the author shows that, despite our differences, we are all the same.

The class thought that the book was fantastic and especially liked the ending in which they all became friends. Anyway, we recommend reading this book.


1) Where does the family move to?

a) To another country

b) To another city

c) To an apartment

d) To another to a housde in a village

2) Do you like suspense stories? Why?

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