(Marcos Rey, Ed. Ática)

Um cadáver ouve rádio (A Corpse Listens to the Radio by Marcos Rey, Ática Publishing) – By Alice R. N.

The murder of a poor accordion player does not worry anyone except for a group of young investigators: Léo, Gino, and Ângela. Throughout the book, they devise plans and investigate this mysterious crime. The three young people encounter various individuals and clues that help them solve a case packed with questions: who killed the accordion player? Why? And many other things that you will find out and discover in this book.

I recommend this book to those who enjoy mystery and adventure. Pay attention, anything can happen, so get ready for many surprises. You might not have heard of this book because it is a bit older, but it is definitely worth reading. When I read this book, I felt immersed in the story, feeling the same things as the characters, and I would try to investigate together with them. If you do not like it, that is okay, there are plenty of other books that you will be interested in.

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