By the 3rd grade of the Profª Solange Landeiro Aguiar School, São Paulo (SP)

The book tells the story of the curse that a witch places on a prince because he is selfish. This turns him into a beast. The curse can only be broken if he finds true love. This happens after he falls in love with Belle and makes her love him too.

Belle lives with her father and is totally different from the other girls in the village. She loves books and does not want to get married. After her father is captured, she takes his place and becomes a prisoner of the Beast. Belle goes from being a prisoner to a guest, and they fall in love. This love is only revealed after the Beast is hurt by Gaston, Belle’s admirer, out of jealousy.

We found the story very beautiful.  The part that we liked the most is when the Beast saves Belle from the wolves. They are so different, yet they fall in love, showing that love is always possible.

1) According to the text, which characteristic did the prince have that made a witch turn him into a beast?

a) Love
b) Beauty
c) Selfishness
d) Jealousy

2) Do you like books with stories like this one? Why?

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