By Levi M. de S., 10 years old

The book Around the World in 80 Days was written by Jules Verne in 1872. There are several versions. I read and recommend the graphic novel version by L&PM Editores. 

Phileas Fogg bet £ 20,000 that he would go around the world in 80 days. He ventured on this trip with his loyal assistant Jean Passepartout. They used several types of transportation: steamboat, train, sled and even an elephant!

I thought this book was really cool. There is a movie, but I prefer the book, because the story has more details, and the movie differs from the original story. For anyone who wants to know if Mr. Fogg managed to get around the world in 80 days, I suggest reading the book.

1) Why does the reader prefer the book to the movie?
a) Because he read the graphic novel version
b) Because the film is too long
c) Because he did not like the actor who played the main character
d) Because the book has more details and the story of the film is different

2) Do you like adventure books, like Around the World in 80 Days? Why?

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