Of the total of 138,374 known species in the world, 38,543 are threatened with extinction. That is, 28% of animals are at risk of disappearing from Earth – or nearly three out of ten. The data is from the Red List of Threatened Species, which was updated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on September 4th.

On the list, the species most at risk of extinction are amphibians (41%), sharks and rays (37%), coniferous plants (34%), coral reefs (33%), crustaceans (28%), mammals (26 %), and birds (14%).

According to the publication, marine life is in great danger due to overfishing and climate change. One example would be the shark: for every five species found in nature, three are threatened.

On the other hand, of the seven tuna species that are fished to be sold, four showed signs of recovery. This is the case of the yellowfin tuna. Its rating went from “near threatened” to “least concern”. According to the IUCN, the improvement is due to the initiative of countries that encourage sustainable fishing and successfully combat illegal fishing.

“Today’s IUCN Red List update is a powerful sign that, despite increasing pressures on our oceans, species can recover if states truly commit to sustainable practices,” said Bruno Oberle, Director General of the IUCN, in an official statement.

Most Brazilians eat shark meat unknowingly, says study 

According to a scientific survey released by BBC News Brasil, 69% of Brazilians eat shark meat without knowing it. In Brazil, this type of meat is sold as “cação”, a name used for several types of fish. According to the study, Brazil is the largest importer and consumer of shark meat in the world, but most Brazilians do not know this because product labels do not provide clear information.

The study concludes that incorrect labels, low prices, and an absence of public policy against shark consumption make the country a risk to the preservation of one of the most endangered species in the world, because of commercial fishing. Another problem pointed out by researchers is the threat to human health, since shark meat concentrates toxins that may be harmful when consumed in large quantities.

1) What is the correct statement?
a) Sharks are the most endangered species in the world.
b) Yellowfin tuna is extinct.
c) Countries’ initiative against illegal fishing has improved the situation for tuna species.
d) Brazilians eat shark thinking it is tuna.

2) Why is it important to protect endangered animals?

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