The oldest spider in the world has died at age 43. Known by scientists as Number 16, it lived in Australia and belonged to the Ctenizidae family. With over four decades of existence, the arachnid easily surpassed the record holder, a 28-yearold tarantula that lived in captivity.

According to researchers, everything points to Number 16 dying because of a parasitic wasp that installed itself in its body. While it was alive, the spider underwent intensive studies, which helped scientists understand the species’ habits and anatomy better.


1. Why was spider Number 16 important for science?

a. It served as a basis for several studies on its species.
b. The spider’s poison was being used to develop medicine.
c. To live in Australia.
d. To understand parasitic activity in the spider’s body.

2. Find out: how long do spiders live on average?

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Comentários (2)

  • Guilherme Miagui

    5 anos atrás

    Answer to 2: It depends on the species that, on average, a spider lives 1 year or 2. A tarantula in captivity can reach 30 years.

  • Joca

    5 anos atrás

    Great, Guilherme :)

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