Animal experiment with black mouse in scientific laboratory

Animal experiment with black mouse in scientific laboratory

Scientists in the United States have developed a method that promises to reduce the amount of experiments (conducted) on animals by up to 60%. Several laboratories around the world currently use dogs, rabbits, and rats among other species to test new products, such as medication, vaccines, and cosmetics. Animal testing for cosmetics has already been banned in places such as the European Union, India, and some American states.

The procedure, created by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland, is based on a molecular structure database. The idea is to take advantage of the traits and behaviours of molecules that are already known to do the testing. For example, when it is time to create a product, the scientist can search the database for molecules that have the required properties for the test, thus eliminating the use of animals.

For now, there is no guarantee that the new method will be adopted. At this time, it is still being assessed by regulatory agencies.

1) According to the text, how do scientists plan to decrease the amount of testing on animals?
a) Making less personal hygiene and beauty products
b) Testing directly on humans
c) Using a database of molecular structures
d) Using plants instead of animals

2) Would you stop using a product if you knew it was tested on animals? Explain your answer.

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