The government of Tanzania is trying to protect elephants that live in the Selous Game Reserve. The reserve is larger than Switzerland. It lost 90% of its pachyderms over the last 40 years. The protection programme is the largest in the country’s history. It will put collars with satellite signals on 60 elephants to monitor them for one year.

The pachyderm population in the African country was 110,000. Now it is 15,200 because of illegal hunting. Many hunters kill the elephants to sell ivory in the international black market.

The idea is to monitor animals to help park rangers take action fast if the elephants are in danger: they can redirect animals if they are going towards hunters, for example.

1) According to the text, the elephant population in Tanzania:
A) Will be totally protected from hunters with the collars.
B) Uses collars to monitor them.
C) Suffered a drastic reduction in its protection.
D) Is targeted by hunters who want their skin.

1) Aside from Tanzania, where are other elephant habitats?


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