The European Space Agency (ESA) published an article on May 8th that said that astronauts’ urine can be a very useful ingredient to build on the Moon. According to tests done by the agency, urea (the main compound in human urine) can make concrete more resistant and easier to work and build things with. Concrete is being studied for use on the Moon.

Urine also reduces the amount of water needed to make concrete. This fact caught the attention of specialists because if astronauts can pee there, they do not need to take so much material to the Moon.


1) Which of the options below is not a benefit of using urine to make concrete?
a) Urine decreases the need for water in the mix.
b) The material is more resistant.
c) The mixture is lighter.
d) Concrete becomes more malleable.

2) Would you visit the Moon? Why?

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