Cerca de metade dos habitantes do país sofrem com algum nível de insegurança alimentar. Foto: Igor Alecsander/ Getty Images

According to the World Food Program (WFP), 345 million people around the world are experiencing food insecurity. The figure, released on August 24th, more than doubled compared to the 2019 survey, which pointed to 135 million people in this situation.

“Food insecurity” is the term used when a person does not have continuous access to quality food for all required meals. Those who have enough to eat today, but do not know if they will have food tomorrow, are also deemed to suffer from food insecurity.

Many events have contributed to the alarming increase in the figure, including the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and other armed conflicts, as well as human-induced climate change.

“The world just can’t afford this,” said Corinne Fleischer, the WFP’s regional director, in an interview with Reuters news agency. She warned that governments need to take urgent action and that things are expected to worsen in 2022.


In June of this year, the National Survey on Food Security for the Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil was released by the Brazilian Research Network on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security (Rede Penssan). It showed that over half of the Brazilian population (125.2 million people) faces food insecurity, 33.1 million of whom are under acute food insecurity. Use the QR code to find out more on the Joca website.


1) How many people face food insecurity worldwide?

a) 125.2 million

b) 345 million

c) 33.1 million

d) 1.5 million

2) What initiatives do you know that could help people facing food insecurity?

Source: Época and Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, Reuters, WFP and UOL

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