Credits: Twitter/reproduction

The Hareruya 2 store in Akihabara, Japan created a rule for Pokémon franchise card sales. Each client can now purchase, at most, ten packages of cards per day.

Also, half of the product’s stock will be put on sale for children only. Hareruya 2 employees can ask for proof of ID at the time of sale. On May 24th, the store’s official Twitter profile posted a photo of an employee next to packs of Pokémon cards with the sign “children only”.

The measure was adopted because adults were buying most of the cards, leaving a small quantity for children to buy. Pokémon cards are very appreciated by collectors and some of them are rare. In Japan, the product’s distribution is not as large. With the high demand, the cards sell out quickly.

Sources: Instagram Playground, Multiverso, and Hareruya 2 store’s Twitter

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