
Access to electric power is still scarce in rural regions of many Sub-Saharan African countries (African countries that are south of the Sahara Desert). That is why Kedumetse Liphi, an electrical engineer from Botswana, came up with the idea of making backpacks with solar panels to help students who do not have much access to electricity continue their studies. According to a text published by the United Nations (UN) on March 8th, the engineer is now starting to reap the benefi ts of his creation.

The backpack has been named Chedza, which means light in the African language Kalanga. Its fi rst prototype was created in 2019. According to Africa Renewal, the online UN magazine that covers social, economic, and political development in African countries, the invention is made of sturdy canvas. In addition to the solar panel, it also has an attached LED light that can illuminate a room, and an input to charge cellular and computer batteries.

Where the Idea Came From

According to Liphi, it all started a few years ago when he met a student returning home carrying his school supplies in a plastic rice bag. The engineer and his friends decided to give the young man a ride, and discovered that he lived in a place with little electricity.

So, Liphi and his partners devised a backpack that students could carry and also use to bring energy home with them. Since many young people in rural areas walk long distances under the sun to go to school, the backpack was designed to store energy that can yield more than seven hours of use.

“Our main objective is to partner with governments, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and corporates to procure these bags from us for donation to learners from communities who cannot a_ ord them,” said Liphi to the UN. Currently, a few institutions have already placed orders for the product, including the United States Army, which requested military backpacks made with the same technology.

Sources: Ked-Liphi, Nexo, and the UN.

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