A craze among children worldwide, slime is here to stay. The malleable goo comes in different colours and textures and is often seen in the hands of the young in several countries. It has become a phenomenon online. In Brazil, for example, the play dough was among one of the most searched topics on Google in 2018.

Today, plenty of slime videos can be found on YouTube. There are entire events dedicated to the subject. Slime Bash is the biggest slime convention in the world. It takes place periodically in the United States. People from all over the world come to the trade show that brings together several play dough related attractions.

Ten-year-old Donatella M. went to Slime Bash in Chicago which took place between March 30th and 31st. In an interview with 9-year-old Maria Flor G., she recounted the experience:

What happened at Slime Fest? Was there slime everywhere?
I met my favorite slimers (youtubers who make slime videos), and I handled the best slimes in the world! There was slime everywhere!

What did you most enjoy? And what did you least enjoy?
What I most enjoyed was meeting and talking to the best slimers in the world and making slime with my dad. What I least enjoyed was the location. It was too far and in the middle of nowhere. Also, there was no food!

Why do you like slime? Which is your favourite type?
I started liking it because of the noises they make, which can be nice and relaxing. My favourite types are cloud and thick.

Slime is thought to have originated in 1976 when Mattel, the toy company, started selling goo in small plastic containers. It became popular in the 1980s through Nickelodeon’s comedy and challenge show You Can’t Do That on Television. In the show, teenagers went through the challenges and any time they made a mistake, they would be covered with green goo – the slime.

1) When did slime become popular according to the text?
a) At its launch in 1976.
b) In the 1980s through the Nickelodeon show.
c) In 2018, when it was one of the terms Brazilians looked up the most on Google.
d) In the beginning of the 19th century, when there was no internet yet.

2) Do you like slime? Why?

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Comentários (3)

  • Sofia Min Kyung Kang

    4 anos atrás

    ai que linda! sofia kang 19 de julho de 2019.


    4 anos atrás

    gostei muito,ela e massa

  • Pedro Muniz Patricio dos Santos

    4 anos atrás

    esse slime e linda.

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