by Joanna Cataldo

Not every monster has to be scary or evil. That is what is shown in Luca, the new Disney Pixar animation that premieres on the Disney+ platform on June 18th, shows.

In the story, Luca, a 13-year-old sea monster, is fascinated by the universe of humans who live on the surface. He is curious and becomes enchanted when he sees an object thrown into the sea by people, even though he has spent his whole life hearing that the surface is a dangerous place with creatures that cannot be trusted.

Everything changes, however, when he meets Alberto, a teenage sea monster that has been on the surface a few times and knows a lot about the human world. Through this encounter, Luca discovers that sea creatures can become people after they are dry.

Thus, the two go to a coastal city in Italy, where they pose as humans to enjoy the best there is there – pasta, Vespas (a type of motorcycle), ice cream … At the same time, they need to be careful not to get wet – just a few drops of water will turn them into monsters again.

The movie’s director, Enrico Casarosa, and its producer, Andrea Warren, spoke to Joca about the process of making friendly sea creatures. “We didn’t want them to look scary and we tried to dispel this perception about monsters,” says Andrea. “The film talks about how one group might refer to the other. Sea creatures refer to humans as land monsters and humans refer to them as sea monsters. The idea is to show that we have to get rid of these labels, because they are used when fear is involved, when one group does not know the other. ”

Enrico explained that the team made an effort so the monsters’ appearance would portray their personality and essence as peaceful and adventurous youngsters. For this reason, they are very colorful and have striking physical characteristics. “In Luca’s case, since he is very curious, his eyes had to be big”, he explains.

1) In which country does Luca’s story take place?
a) Italy
b) France
c) United States
d) Australia

2) Would you like to see this movie? Why?

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