In the beginning of April, a resident of the Clackamas region, in the state of Oregon (United States), called the police. She thought there was a thief in her bathroom. When the police arrived, they surrounded her house and asked the suspect to come out. Because there was no response, they decided to go in. They were surprised to see a working vacuuming robot.

Because the robot was turned on, it made noise. It also slid across the bathroom floor. This made shadows under the door which confused the owner. Aer all was clarified, the robot continued to clean the house.

Sources: BuzzFeed News, G1, and San Francisco Gate


1. Why was the owner scared?
a. She heard voices coming from the bathroom.
b. An alarm went o in her house.
c. She saw someone come in and hide in the bathroom.
d. When it moved, the robot created shadows under the bathroom door.

2. What is your favourite robot? Why?

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