Registration has started for the second edition of the Young Reader Trophy, a Joca contest that awards children and teenagers for their journalistic texts. This time, the contest has invited anyone who is literate and under18 to conduct an interview whose main topic is Joca’s 10 years, which are being celebrated in 2021.

You can participate by interviewing anyone who has been part of Joca’s story, including readers, teachers, and professionals who work at the newspaper. Visit the Troféu webpage to get to know our team members and get their email.

The top three interviews will be published and will be awarded prizes – for the first place, a Kindle Paperwhite, as well as a Joca backpack, a trophy, and a subscription package. Schools whose students are awarded will also receive a prize.

To view all the rules and download the registration form, access the awards website using the QR code on this page or click on the link: Registration is open until September 30th, 2021.

Tips for interviewing

1) The first step is to choose a topic. After that, come up with about ten questions for interviewees. Do not forget to ask for basic information about them, such as full name, age, where they live and what their relationship to Joca is.

2) Use a tape recorder (or a cell phone) during the conversation. This way you will not forget anything when writing the interview.

3) Use paper and pen to write down questions that come up during the conversation so you can ask them as soon as the interviewee finishes talking. You can also ask for photos to illustrate the text. Be curious, stay calm, and have fun.

1) What is the theme for the second edition of the Young Reader Trophy?

a) How to be a journalist
b) Joca’s 10 years as a newspaper
c) Global warming
d) What is a newspaper?

2) What would you ask a Joca journalist?

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