Close to 20 indigenous leaders have been participating in meetings at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) since the beginning of August. They are doing this to set up what might be the first university course in São Paulo state to train teachers to teach indigenous children.

There are 41,794 indigenous people living in São Paulo state. There are 252 teaching positions in villages, but 139 of them are taken up by teachers who have not even gone to college.

One of the goals is to train indigenous people to teach in village schools to strengthen indigenous culture, focusing on subjects such as language, art, and architecture without excluding important subjects such as mathematics.

Currently, some of the existing university courses for  indigenous teacher training are offered  by the Federal University of Amazonas state (UFAM) and by the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD) in Mato Grosso do Sul state.

1) According to the text, what is the purpose of the project?
a) To take indigenous children to universities
b) To create a new university course to train teachers for indigenous children
c) To give classes on indigenous people to anyone who is interested
d) To create a university inside an indigenous village

2) Would you like to visit an indigenous village? Why?

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Comentários (1)

  • Vinicius Zirmaley

    3 anos atrás

    1) De acordo com o texto, qual é o objetivo do projeto? b) Criar um novo curso universitário para treinar professores para crianças indígenas 2) Você gostaria de visitar uma vila indígena? Por quê? RESP:Sim.Para conhecer melhor a cultura indígena

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