After a programmer (a person who works developing computer programs) ran Doom Eternal on the display of a pregnancy test, people from all over the world competed to find out which would be the weirdest place where they could run the game. The game was even run on a refrigerator and even on a NASA website (the US space agency). This happened after a flaw was discovered on the page that allowed changes to be made to it.

Software engineer Andrew Sillers announced on May 18th that he was even able to run the game on a GIF – an animated image format. Unlike ordinary GIFs, the version created by him allows anyone to access the file and insert commands to play. This way, all visitors can play the game at the same time.

1) On which of these places was the game run?
a) On the NASA website and in a light bulb
b) On a refrigerator and in a GIF
c) In a lamp and in a GIF
d) In several GIFs

2) Which was the craziest place where the game was run? Why?

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