In the midst of the new coronavirus pandemic, professors at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) created a free digital book with activities and fun facts called Mulheres Cientistas: Coronavírus. The publication combines learning and information. There are word finders, challenges, colouring pages, and various facts. It is all written in a language geared towards young people.

Aside from talking about covid-19 and what is being done to fight the disease, the 72-page book talks about women who were pioneers in science. For example, in the book, you can read about Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958), who was the first person to reproduce the image of a DNA molecule (which is present in all living beings and carries genetic information). Her work was stolen by two scientists who even won the Nobel prize in her place. 

Mulheres Cientistas: Coronavírus was developed by Alessandra Souza Barbosa and Camilla Oliveira of the physics department; Camila Silveira, Clarice D. B. Amaral, Glaucia Pantano and Tatiana R.G. Simões of the chemistry department. The illustrations were done by Marcelo Jean Machado, a physics student.

The book is available for download through the project’s blog: The creators are currently looking for ways to fund the printing of the book so it can be distributed to children who do not have access to the Internet.

Sources: Meninas e Mulheres na Ciência, Nexo, UFPR, and UOL


1) What type of book is Mulheres na Ciência: Coronavírus?
a) A fiction book
b) A comic strip
c) An educational book
d) A book with activities and fun facts 

2) What are the themes addressed in the book?

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