Image by: Florian Olivo/Unsplash/reproduction.

They participate in championships, train with dedication, and can count on the support of their fans. The difference compared to sports that everyone is used to following is that theirs is completely electronic. We are talking about the world of professional gamers. Junior reporter, Thalita M., age 14, interviewed Jacobin, who plays for the ODDIK team, and Isla, who plays for the B4 team in Valorant. Both gamers told us about the routine of a professional gamer (also known as a pro player), how they started playing, and gave tips to those who want to pursue this career.

When did you start wanting to play professionally?

Isla: Since I was young. I started to enjoy playing when I was about nine.

Jacobin: I think ever since I was young too. I have always liked playing on the computer. When I was 13, I discovered the world of eSports (which was not as popular as it is today) and fell in love with it. If playing casually was already cool, imagine playing professionally? I joined the pro scene when I was around 18, but I only started making a living from it when I was 22.

Did your families support your decision to become pro players?

Isla: When I was younger, I did not get much support from my family because I had to focus on my studies. However, after I graduated from college, when I was 24, I was given an opportunity at Valorant. My family supported me more then.

Jacobin: No (laughs). Nobody really believed it was possible. As I said, a lot of people didn’t know about this world. But, in 2020, after I qualified for a championship and was able to explain how big it was, they started supporting me more.

What is the best thing about the profession you have chosen?

Isla: For sure, making a living doing what I like.

Jacobin: The feeling of winning a championship. There is nothing like it.

What is the worst thing?

Isla: I think it is having to deal with people who twist what you say, etc.

Jacobin: The worst is when the day ends and I realize that I did not get as much done as I should have. That I didn’t learn anything. Losing is bad too, but when I know I have done my best, I can be cooler about it.

Did you make friends gaming?

Isla: I’ve made lots of friends! There are people who I play with and have been friends with for 10 years.

What is your training routine like?

Isla: It is similar to studying. I wake up around 7 AM, have coffee, and watch other teams’ matches and things that I need to learn about. Around 1 PM, I start training and I do it until the evening. After practice, I start playing for fun (laughs) and I keep playing until around 10 PM. On Sundays I don’t play anything, I use my time to relax, watch some movies…

Who are the eSport idols?

Isla: My biggest idol is Fallen (who currently plays for Imperial Esports). And in the female Valorant scene, it’s Daiki, who currently plays for Team Liquid and who represented us at the world championship.

What is the most important title you have won so far?

Jacobin: I didn’t even win this one, but the most important was qualifying for the one called First Track, with only the eight best teams in Brazil playing in-person. That was the tournament that launched my career. So even though I won other competitions, this was the most relevant for me.

What tips would you give to those who want to become professional gamers in any game?

Isla: Continue playing and learning. Even if it doesn’t work out in the beginning, keep trying. At some point, it’ll take off.

Jacobin: You must be really dedicated and publicize your work in every possible way. There are a lot of people who are good at the game, but who do not show their work and keep waiting for an opportunity that will never come. First, you have to be good, of course. But then, after training hard and feeling confident, show your work.

Main types of games in electronic sports

FPS: type of game in which you see everything through the eyes of the character (Valorant fits this category).

Moba: online arena where players need to overcome challenges, such as taking down the enemy team’s tower.

Battle Royale: survival style, whoever is eliminated last, wins. 

Cards: electronic games that use digital cards to simulate a card game. 

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