Phillipina journalist Doris Bigornia was doing a live transmission on TV when her cats, Nala and Bella Luna, started fighting behind her. Doris tried to act as if nothing had happened, but the confusion was such that she looked around with worry.

Doris’ daughter posted a video of the event on May 16th that has already been viewed by millions. The misunderstanding between the felines started after Bella tried to lick Nala, who was very annoyed by the behaviour.

Doris also has the cats Edward and Simba living with her. They usually appear in her transmissions, but this was the first time the pets showed up bringing chaos.

Sources: Bored Panda, G1, and Indian Express


1) What caused the misunderstanding?
a) A fight over food
b) Both cats wanted to grab Doris’ attention.
c) A mosquito
d) One cat wanted to lick the other cat’s fur.

2) Have you seen other videos with pets disrupting live transmissions? What do you think about this situation?

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