Donna Porée spent three months away from home in lockdown during the pandemic with her boyfriend.  When she went back to her apartment in Aigle, France, 22-year-old Donna had a scare when she saw that the potatoes in her kitchen had grown tentacles. On June 12th, Donna posted an image of the sprouts that appeared during her absence on social media. She said that she only realised they were food after opening the blinds in the kitchen to let the light in.

The potatoes were in a bag, but this did not stop the sprouts from perforating the cover and even spreading to the walls. When they lack water, potatoes form sprouts to “find” it. In Donna’s case, their size was a result of the time they took to grow.

Sources: Daily Star, Metro News, and The Sun


1) How did the young woman notice that there was food growing in the kitchen?
a) She tasted some of the sprout.
b) She opened the blinds to let light in.
c) She opened the bag where the potatoes were.
d) She took three days to understand the situation.

2) What has been most unusual situation in your quarantine?

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