Dog Fart Awareness Day was celebrated on April 8th. This date, created in 2014, is not just fun. It helps sitters (people who take care of pets at home) learn more about the digestive health of dogs.  This way, April 8th is an opportunity to share tips and fun facts on the topic.

Dog farts are not usually a reason to worry, but they could be a sign of health problems. In this case, they are usually more regular and come with vomiting and diarrhea, for example. Since animals do not express themselves with words, it is up to humans to pay attention to the flatulence of their friends with four legs every day, not just on April 8th.

Sources: People, The News, and UPI


1) According to the text, why was Dog Fart Awareness Day created?
a) For people to become aware of the digestive health of dogs.
b) To celebrate when a dog farts.
c) Because dog sitters wanted to talk about fart benefits for dogs.
d) To set up an annual dog fart competition.

2) How else could sitters pay attention to pet health?

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