The list of nominees for best animated feature of the Oscar 2021, the biggest film award in the world, has been announced. The announcement was made on March 15th by representatives of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Hollywood, in the United States, which is a group formed by film professionals (actors, directors, producers, among others). Check out the nominees below:

Onward (available on Disney +)

Two elves who are brothers go on an adventure to spend a day with their father, who died when the boys were small.

Over the Moon (available on Netflix)

A girl builds a spaceship and travels to the moon so she can prove to her father that a mystical goddess lives there.

A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon (available on Netflix)

An alien lands near the farm where Shaun lives. They become friends, and the ET helps Shaun run away from the organization that wants to capture him.

Soul (available on Disney +)

A musician has an accident on the most important day of his career. His soul ends up in a parallel dimension. An adventure awaits him so he can go back to Earth and fulfil his dream of becoming a great musician.

Wolfwalkers (available on Apple TV)

Robyn is the daughter of a hunter on a mission to kill off the last wolf pack in Ireland. One day, she meets Mebh, a girl who belongs to a tribe of people who can transform into wolves at night. From then on, Robyn risks becoming the creature that her father must destroy.


Oscar winners will be announced on April 25th. The event always takes place at the Dolby Theater, in Los Angeles, USA. This year, however, due to the pandemic, the award will take place at the same time in two locations to avoid overcrowding. Some people will go to the Dolby Theater and the others will go to Union Station, the city’s train station.

1) Which of the following is correct, according to the text?
a) All Oscar nominated films were released directly to movie theatres.
b) All nominated films are available on streaming platforms.
c) Soul is the film that is most likely to win the award.
d) Onward was launched in 2018.

2) Have you seen any of these films? If so, what did you think?

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