Are you curious to find out more about the mix of elements in nature and get to know the world of chemistry better? The game “Little Alchemy 2” is available for free and uses a playful method to guide the player through these discoveries.

Everything starts by using four elements: air, land, fire, and water. As they are dragged and mixed, the game shows the results of the combinations. For example: land and fire become lava, land and air become dust, and gun powder with fire becomes an explosion.

It is possible to create up to 720 different items. Each of them is accompanied by an explanation about how they work and where we can find them.  By combining certain elements, it is possible to create beaches, living beings, or even the universe.

The game was developed by the Polish designer Jakub Koziol and was released in 2017 by the studio Recloack. It is possible to play online on the website ( or by downloading the app that is available for Android and iOS.

Other games to learn while having fun:

Senhor X: you need to capture the villain while you learn first degree equations.

Operação Abaporu: players unravel mysteries while they find out about art and culture.


1) What do players do in “Little Alchemy 2”?
a) Defeat the villain from the last phase.
b) Mix different elements to create new items.
c) Build a castle.
d) Finish first.

2) What kind of games would you like to invent?



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