You must have already seen various symbols on ancient Egyptian constructions in history books or movies. These codes called hieroglyphs can now be translated into your language using a new tool called Fabricius, which was released by Google in July.

The platform works in the following way: users search for a photo of Egyptian constructions with hieroglyphs on Google, checking that symbols can be seen clearly. Then, it is necessary to insert the image into the website, and using the website tools, draw the outline of the symbols seen on the photo. After, select the symbols, click on the translate option and find out what these codes mean.

Aside from the translation option, the tool also has a game that sends messages with symbols to friends and relatives, and an interactive activity where users draw hieroglyphs and learn trivia about the codes.

How can Fabricius be accessed?
Go to: Access is free.

More resources

Google has also released a more advanced version of the tool. The idea is that it helps in the study of Ancient Egypt and that it be used by Egyptologists (experts on the topic), historians, and other scholars. 

Sources:  BBC and Fabricius


1) What do you need to do to use Fabricius?
a) Create a hieroglyph at home.
b) Be a historian.
c) Take a course on Egypt.
d) Look for a photo that has images of the hieroglyphs.

2) Would you like to visit monuments of ancient Egypt? Why?

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