The challenge to create the best solutions for houses to be used in the colonization of planet Mars was launched in 2014 with a contest organized by NASA, the American National Space Agency. After being closely analyzed, the top five ideas have now been disclosed.

One of them is already a favourite of NASA scientists. It is based on using the soil available in Mars as cement to build modules that fit together, as if they were a honeycomb. The idea came from Zopherus, the Arkansas state team.

Final stage
To prove that the planned model could really be built in Mars, the teams had to develop some of the parts of the house in actual size using 3D printers – a quick and safe way to build a structure in places with limited resources, such as Mars. All five projects are currently in the final stage of the contest. The final challenge will be to build the house using the same model as the one for Mars but one third smaller. The winner will be disclosed in 2019.

Liquid water in Martian ground
On June 25th, Italian scientists announced more signs of liquid water in Mars. What is different about this discovery compared to previous ones is that water might exist permanently. There is supposedly a lake close to 20 km long under the layers of ice and dust.  This news increases the chances that there is some type of life in Mars, even if it is just microorganisms.

Other discoveries regarding water in Mars
NASA’s exploration vehicle Opportunity revealed that Mars has had plenty of water in the past.
2008: Another vehicle, the Phoenix, confirmed that there is frozen water in Mars.
2015: Through information from the Curiosity robot, scientists found the first evidence of liquid and salt water, but it was not confirmed to have been present Mars in a permanent manner.

1) According to the text, what were some of requirements in NASA’s contest?

a) Making a model at home using bricks and mortar
b) Creating parts of the house using a 3D printer
c) Using only recyclable materials
d) Creating a house in the shape of a beehive

2) Would you travel to Mars? Why?


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