…. the first musical instrument was a flute? Excavations in Europe and Asia have revealed flutes that are between 43 and 82 thousand years old. They were made from bones from bears and mammoths (which have been extinct for over 4 thousand years).

… there is an instrument that does not need to be touched to make a sound? It is the teremim, which has two antennae with sensors. All you have to do is place your hands close to it for the sound to come out. The closer to the sensors, the higher (or sharper) the sound.

… rattles were made to guide animals through sound? After around 1950, they were often used in musical groups.

…. the smallest instrument in the world is a guitar that can only be seen through a microscope? It was created in 1997 by researchers from Cornell University in the United States, and it makes the same sounds as an acoustic guitar. To play it, you need to use micro picks.

… the biggest instrument in the world is about the size of a football field? It is the Great Stalacpipe Organ, and it is close to 1.4 hectares. An electric keyboard that is connected to the stalactites in the Luray Caverns, in the United States, activates the sound of these rocky formations when they touch them.

1) How can you play the smallest instrument in the world?

a) Using any kind of pick
b) Getting close to it
c) With the help of a special keyboard
d) Using micro picks

2) Would you like to participate in a music band? Explain your answer.


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