Credits: Instagram/reproduction

Nepalese climber Kami Rita Sherpa has broken a new record in the Guinness World Book Records. On May 23rd, he climbed Mount Everest (the tallest mountain on Earth, located in Asia) for the 28th consecutive time.

The record for climbing the mountain most times was disputed with Pasang Dawa Sherpa, who matched Kami by climbing to the top of Everest for the 27th time just a day before. The current record holder climbed the mountain for the first time in 1994. Since then, he has repeated the expedition every year, and was given the title of “Everest Man”.

And did you know that the term “sherpa”, used by both record holders, is the name given to an ethnic group of Tibetan origin? Most of them work on Everest, helping tourists and clearing paths to climb the mountain.

Sources: Brasil Escola, Guinness World Records, Kami Rita Sherpa’s Instagram, and O Globo.

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