Monopoly will soon have a new version for cheaters. Monopoly Cheater’s Edition will be launched in Brazil in the fourth quarter of this year. In the Cheater’s Edition, players get 15 cheat cards that encourage players to be mischievous by doing things like robbing a bank, collecting someone else’s rent, moving another player’s token to your property, among other things. One of the cards
says the player should secretly fi nd a way of cheating players by not giving them the full change. If no one notices, the player will be rewarded with a 100 bill. However, if the player is caught, the punishment will be to give all of the cheater’s money to the other player and send the cheater to jail. On Twitter, a few people have celebrated the news, but others have said the game sends the wrong message.

What happens when a player cheats on Monopoly Cheater’s Edition?

a. The player could be penalized or rewarded.
b. The player goes to jail.
c. The player gets points which are tallied at the end of the game.
d. The player is kicked off the game.

2. According to the text, what are the positive and negative points of Monopoly Cheater’s Edition?


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