A college student named Josh challenged other Joshes to a fight with pool noodles. The goal was to give one of the contestants the “Josh title”, so he could represent all the other Joshes in the world. The dispute took place in Nebraska, in the United States, on April 24th. The winner was four-year-old Josh.

The idea came up when Josh Swain discovered that there were several people with the same name and last name as him. As a joke, he created a Messenger group challenging the other Josh Swain to a fight in April 2020. He joked that the winner would get to keep the name. About a year later, when it was close to the date of the fight, the post went viral. Although Swain thought that no one would come, about 50 Joshes showed up.


1) Which of these statements is not true?

a) The fight was set a year before it happened.

b) Close to 50 Joshes came to fight.

c) The Josh who wins will be the only one to keep the name legally.

d) The winner is four years old.

2) Would you participate in this joke? Why?

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