Credits: Twitter/reproduction.

Nathan Firesheets, from Atlanta, in the United States, is such a big Disney fan that he decided take on a challenge: visiting the 12 theme parks of the company around the world in 12 days. He started to execute his plan at Disneyland in Paris, France on March 8th. He finished the challenge at Magic Kingdom in Florida, in the United States on March 19th.

During this time, he also visited Walt Disney Studios (USA), Shanghai Disneyland (China), Hong Kong Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, and Tokyo DisneySea (Japan), Disneyland, Disney California Adventure, EPCOT, Animal Kingdom, and Hollywood Studios (the last five located in the USA).

To make this feat even more impressive, Firesheets went on 216 rides in the parks that he visited. “It was pretty awesome and kind of surreal,” he told channel KTLA-TV, in the USA.

Sources: FOX35, Nathan Firesheets’ Twitter account, UPI, and Yahoo.

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