In England, a man was seen on a bus using a live snake to cover his mouth and nose, like a facemask. This happened on September 14th. Other passengers thought it was just a funny mask with a pattern until they saw the animal move.

It is unusual for this to take place on a bus. The animal is not a way to prevent contamination by the new coronavirus. However, no one complained about travelling with a live snake.

In England, wearing masks on buses is mandatory, but passengers are free to make their own masks or wear other things on their faces that can protect them from Covid-19, such as scarves and bandanas.

Sources: Daily Mail, Fox News, and Sky News


1) According to the text, which of these items can be used in England as a facemask?

a) Scarves
b) Live animals
c) A person’s hair
d) Books

2) What would you do if you found a man with a live snake on a bus?

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