BOB SALEM is a 53-year-old American. He broke a world record because he went up Pico Pikes, in the state of Colorado, United States using his nose to push a peanut up hill. To do this, Salem invented a nose mask with a spoon attached to the end to push the more than twenty peanuts, one at a time, during the journey.

The route to the top of the peak at 4,300 meters was 20 kilometers (the length of almost 100 football stadiums together). Salem completed the adventure in seven days, between July 9th and 15th. The previous record was in 1963 when Ulysses Baxter did this feat in eight days.


1) In how many days did Bob Salem complete the challenge?

a) In eight days

b) In 20 days

c) In seven days

d) In nine days

2) What would you invent to climb a mountain pushing a peanut with your nose?

Sources: News18, Superinteressante and The Gazette

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