In 2019, 8.9% of the world population suffered severe malnutrition, which occurs when a person does not take in enough nutrients. This percentage corresponds to almost 690 million people – more than three times Brazil’s population, which totals close to 211 million people. The data is from “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World” report, disclosed on July 13th by the United Nations (UN).

In comparison to the previous year, there was an increase of close to 1.47% in the number of malnourished people around the world in 2019. This is equivalent of 10 million additional people. Starting in 2014, the number of malnourished people has increased each year – the Earth has gained almost 60 million more malnourished people since then.

According to the UN report, this worsening over the last few years is due to several factors, including an increase in armed conflicts and a deterioration in the economic situation of many countries. These and other aspects are contributing to people having difficulty in obtaining proper meals.

Hunger and covid-19
The data in the UN report takes into consideration the reality of the world in 2019, that is, before the new coronavirus. However, the study predicts that, over the next few months, between 83 and 132 million people could be included in the malnutrition figures because of the worsening in the economy in several countries due to the virus. 

UN Report Data*

More than half of the malnourished in the world are in Asia.
The continent has close to 381 million malnourished people. Asia’s total population is more than 4.5 billion people.

Latin America is the region that has had the highest increase in malnourished people in the last few years
In 2014, the percentage was 22.9%. In  2019, it reached 31.7%. That is, there was an increase of 8.8% in five years.

In Africa, more than 250 million people are underfed.

The total population of the continent is close to 1.3 billion people.

*Figures from 2019

Source: UN report “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World”


1) Which of the alternatives below is incorrect?
a) The report takes into consideration data from 2020.
b) It is correct to state that more than 200 million people are underfed in Africa.
c) The new coronavirus pandemic had a strong impact on 2019 data.
d) A country’s economy could be one of the factors that causes an increase in malnutrition.

2) What do you think could be done to fight world hunger?

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