Dozens of polar bears are arriving at the Novaya Zemlya archipelago in Russia and breaking into houses and buildings. Environmentalists are describing this situation as “the largest polar bear invasion in the country’s history”.

It has forced the local government to declare a state of emergency. In the Belushya Guba village, 52 animals have been spotted. Protection fences have been placed close to daycare centers. Special vehicles are taking people to work to protect them from potential attacks.

According to the environmental organisation World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), climate change is forcing polar bears to leave their habitat and move to places inhabited by humans. Because of the rise in temperatures, icecaps (where polar bears live) are melting. This has forced them to look for food on the coast where they are attracted by the smell of food thrown away.

A team of specialists will be sent to the site to protect the population. Although polar bears’ diet does not include humans, they could attack if they feel threatened.

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