Mauricio Eça began his career directing music videos for artists like Pitty and CPM 22. Today, he is one of the top directors in Brazilian cinema. For kids and young adult audiences, he has directed films such as Carrossel (with Larissa Manoela as Maria Joaquina) and The Invisible Girl, which is available on Netflix.

His upcoming release will be the film Turma da Mônica Jovem: Refl exos do Medo (Young Mônica Gang: Fear Reflexes). The movie, which features the characters as teenagers, does not have a release date yet. Readers Maria Fernanda C. P., age 10, and Manuela C. H., age 9, from the Sagrado Coração de Jesus School in São Paulo (SP state), interviewed the director and asked everything they could about making fi lms and about his expectations for the release of the teenage version of the crew.

How does casting for a film like this work? Did Mauricio de Sousa (the creator of Turma da Mônica) take part in the casting process?

Mauricio de Sousa Productions (the company that handles the Turma da Mônica brand) has its own film department. They sell the rights to the film, and we set up a partnership. We handled the casting, which is the process by which actors are chosen, and we presented them [the choices]. They gave us their opinions. There is always an exchange [of ideas], and we make the decisions together.

Who is your favorite Turma da Mônica character?

I like them all, but I can say that my favorite is Cebolinha. When I read the comics as a kid, I liked him a lot. Maybe, in some way, I even identified with him a bit. I find him very spirited and intelligent.

What can you tell us about the film and its story?

I cannot give away any spoilers, right? What I can tell you is that the story will be full of suspense and adventure. The plot will revolve around the tone of the Turma da Mônica Jovem comics, so we made sure we presented the older version of the characters that everyone knows on the screen. This will be the first of three films.

How did you feel when you found out you would be working on this film?

I found out during the pandemic. We spent over a year working on the script and occasionally meeting with Mauricio de Sousa Productions to fi gure out the details of the plot. When I found out the project was going forward, I was very happy! Turma da Mônica was part of my childhood, and I am a fan to this day. I even have a pet dog named Floquinho in honor of Cebolinha’s dog.

What are you expecting from the premiere, are you nervous?

I am always a little anxious to find out people’s reactions. To make a fi lm is a very long and intense process, so we get very involved. When I was younger, I used to watch Trapalhões movies in theaters. I think we now have the mission of creating an audience for national cinema. It is a big responsibility. Where were the film’s scenes shot? We spent five weeks shooting the film. One scene was shot in a studio, and it is a very special moment in the film. But most of the scenes were shot on location, like museums and even on the street. We filmed everything in São Paulo, and the city practically became a character in the story. We did it in a way that you would not notice it is São Paulo, since the story takes place in Limoeiro [the neighborhood where Turma da Mônica lives].


Released in 2008, the manga-style magazine features the well-known comic book characters as teenagers. In addition to the gang’s usual upbeat disposition, the series showcases stories full of mystery, adventure, and elements of fantasy, such as magical artifacts and monsters. In Reflexos do Medo, the characters discover that the city museum is going to be auctioned off, and they need to join forces to stop this from happening. Halfway through their mission, they realize that they might be dealing with a much more mysterious threat. The cast of the upcoming film includes Sophia Valverde (Mônica), Xande Valois (Cebolinha), Bianca Paiva (Magali), Theo Salomão (Cascão), and Carol Roberto (Milena).

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