Tanya Muzinda, atleta mirim de motocross
Tanya Muzinda pratica motocross há dez anos e decidiu ajudar crianças depois que dificuldades a afastaram por um tempo do esporte./ #pracegover: Tanya veste roupa específica para motocross preta. Ela está diante do automóvel que dirige enquanto conversa com um adulto. Crédito: arquivo pessoal_Instagram

Tanya Muzinda, atleta mirim de motocross

The Motocross Champion of Zimbabwe, 15-year-old Tanya Muzinda, began the sport when she was five years old. She was kept away from the tracks several times because of difficulties maintaining the sport equipment, which is very expensive.  However, this also inspired her to help other children.

“Not racing for months is one of the hardest things for me. This makes me think of the children who watch others go to school while they stay at home,” she said in an interview to JOCA. “With the money I won through competitions, I decided to help them pay for their studies.”

Tanya has won awards five times, including one for athlete of year in Zimbabwe in 2015. With her savings, she began to pay the school tuition for 45 impoverished children in her country. Today, the motocross pilot is helping 100 young people go to school. Next year, the goal is to enrol a thousand children in school (100 from each of the 10 states in Zimbabwe).

Sports and charity are also part of the girl’s plans for the future. She dreams of becoming the first African woman to win a motocross world championship, and also plans to create a foundation to help educate even more children.

Encouragement for girls
Tanya was nominated the youngest ambassador from Zimbabwe for Gender, Youth, Sports and Development by the European Union when she was just 9. For her, becoming well-known in the world of motocross, a sport that is more common among men, also encourages more girls to do whatever they choose. “Some people will say that what you desire is impossible for a girl. But never give up what you really love,” she says.

Her family’s help is essential to keeping Tanya in the sport. “Motocross uses machines that a child cannot drive without adult supervision,” she explains. “This makes it a family sport, which strengthens ties.” When she travels to compete, her parents help carry on the charity activities.


1) Which statement is true?
a) Tanya is a cyclist that has not received recognition.
b) Tanya rides motorcycles by herself.
c) Facing challenges in sport inspired Tanya to help other children.
d) Tanya helps a thousand children.

Correct answer: C

2) What could be done in Brazil to help children?

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