During a live transmission on Facebook about the weather in Madison county in the United States on February 20th, certain filters were accidentally activated while a reporter was showing the snow on highways.

Because of the filters, the journalist ended up presenting the news report with filters such as those of a magician, a wolf, and an athlete. The athlete one showed fake hands lifting weights.

The cameraman (the professional responsible for filming) tried to warn his colleague about the effects, but the reporter thought they would disappear and went ahead. He only found out what had happened after the end of the transmission, when he saw the comments on the post and received messages from his bosses and colleagues joking about the situation.


1) How did the reporter find out what happened?

a) He noticed it by himself during the recording.
b) Through comments and messages from people who saw the video
c) When his boss told him off
d) He only found out a week later.

2) Which is your favorite filter? Why do you like it?

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