How are you keeping informed during the quarantine? And how are you feeling about the pandemic news? With these questions in mind, JOCA newspaper is inviting children and teenagers between the ages of eight and 14 to take part in an online survey about their contact with the new coronavirus news. Participants will remain anonymous – that is, you do not need to disclose your name, address, or which school you go to when you reply.

The questions explore the differences in how children and teenagers access news now, during the quarantine, compared to previous months, for example. The survey also seeks to understand what kind of information is more interesting at this point of the pandemic and what feelings current news are bringing out in young people.

To participate, access JOCA‘s website – you can reply on your own or with the help of an adult if you prefer:


1) What information about the survey is true?
a) Participation is anonymous.
b) The survey wants to know how you are studying during the quarantine.
c) The idea is to find out if you know anyone who was contaminated by the new coronavirus.
d) The survey’s questions are about the contamination by the virus among young people.

2) Would you like to participate in surveys like this one? Why?

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