Residents of a Norwegian island called Sommaroy, which has about 300 inhabitants, want to take a proposal to the local parliament to end time division in hours. That is because the way they experience time is different from the rest of the world. The sun does not rise in the winter (they spend almost three months in the dark), and it does not set in summer. This year, the bright period started on May 18th, and it will only start getting dark on July 26th.

The proposal does not mean that the islanders will be able to do whatever they want whenever they want. For example, children and teenagers would continue to go to school at a certain time. What would happen, in fact, is that something that is already happening would become official: people will schedule themselves not according to times, but according to what they want to do – late-night activities are common, for example.


1) According to the text, why do Sommaroy residents want to end schedules?

a) Because they do not want to have fixed hours to work and study

b) So restaurants, shops, and markets can be open 24 hours a day

c) Because there are no summer nights or winter days there

d) So they can only do activities at dawn

2) Do you think it would be better to live during three months without any nights or three months without any days? Why?

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