A British company has created a suit that is like the powerful armour used by the Ironman character. The person who wears the armour can fly a few metres from the ground and move in several directions. To operate it, Gravity, the company, used five turbines fueled with kerosene, parts printed by 3D printers, and special electronics.

The prototype’s inventor, Richard Browning, says he created a suit without major aspirations, because his only goal was to prove it was possible to do something that only existed in movies and comic strips. The suit is now for sale by the British company for 340,000 pounds (close to 1.8 million reais).

1) Which part of the text shows that the suit is similar to Ironman’s outfit?

a) “The suit is for sale for 1.8 million reais”
b) “To operate it, Gravity used five turbines fueled with kerosene, parts printed by 3D printers, and special electronics.”
c) ” The person who wears the armour can fly a few metres from the ground and move in several directions.”
d)”The prototype’s inventor, Richard Browning, says that he created the suit without major aspirations.”
Right answer: C

2) Would you have the courage to use a prototype like this one? Explain your answer.

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