Which sounds do you hear around you during social isolation? Birds singing? Noises from neighbours? Cartoon characters on TV?

British man Stuart Fowkes decided to collect on a website all the sounds that people from all over the world who are isolated in their home hear during quarantine  (www.citiesandmemory.com). In the project #StayHomeSounds, users click on a country in the map and hear the sounds submitted by residents from that area.

A user from Australia sent in sounds of frogs and birds. From Italy, a person sent in the sound of neighbours singing on their balconies. Someone who lives in a building in Brazil recorded silence.

“Sounds are particularly fascinating right now” says the project’s introductory text on the website. “…the world hasn’t sounded quite like this during our lifetimes – whether it’s something simple like less traffic, and hearing more birdsong and wildlife, or how people are coming together through song and music.”

To send a sound to the website, all you have to do is record the sound (on a mobile phone, for example), fill out a form, and share the file. Go to: bit.ly/sonsquarentena

Source: Cities and Memory website #StayHomeSounds


1) According to the text, how do users have access to the sounds sent in by people from all over the world?
a) Through videos that have a soundtrack of the local sounds
b) Through forms
c) Through a map
d) They have to send in an email.

2) Which sounds do you most hear during quarantine?

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