Crédito de imagem: Reprodução de vídeo.

Akshay Kumar is a famous Indian actor. He took 184 selfies in just three minutes and broke the record for selfies in the Guinness World Records Book.

To do this, Kumar gathered about 240 fans in a studio in Mumbai, India, in an event to publicize his new film called Selfiee. In a video shared on the actor’s Instagram account on February 22nd, fans are running while Kumar continuously takes selfies.

Guinness only considers images that are clear and recognizable, so 25 of the actor’s photos were disqualified. “Everything I have achieved and where I am in life is due to the unconditional love of my fans. This is my special tribute to them,” declared Kumar on social media.

Use the QR Code to see Akshay Kumar break the record.

Sources: Akshay Kumar Instagram profile, Monet magazine and UPI

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  • Beatriz Goncalves Coelho

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    gostei mas gostaria de saber onde ele esta

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