Humpback whales are already in the waters of the Brazilian coast, especially between the states of Espírito Santo and Bahia. The whales come every year between July and November to breed. They come from the cold seas of Antarctica, where they spend the summer feeding. They are an attraction in Brazil. Some boats offer special tours to watch the whales in the sea or near the Abrolhos archipelago in Bahia state. This year, 20,000 whales are expected. The number has increased thanks to initiatives to preserve the species. In 2002, for example, there were only 3,000 humpbacks in Brazilian waters.

São Paulo Coast

The main surprise of the 2018 season is that the humpback whales have also appeared in the northern coast of São Paulo state, in places like Ilhabela.  Between June and July, close to 50 of them were seen. Humpbacks are not common in the area. They were there because their population has increased and possibly because the amount of krill in Antarctic waters has decreased. Krill is food for the humpbacks, and this is making the whales swim to the southern and southeastern coasts of Brazil.


1) After reading the text, check the option that is NOT right:

a) Humpback whales come to the coast of Bahia state to feed.
b) Humpback whales travel to Brazil during breeding season.
c) The cooler waters in the southern and southeastern coast of Brazil attract humpbacks because of food.
d) These whales eat a type of crustaceans.
Answer: A

2) Would you like to see a humpback whale up  close? Why?

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