
Sobre qual assunto você gosta mais de ler no portal do Joca?

Comentários (8)

  • Student

    6 anos atrás

    in japan they use warai kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [Felipe J2tcr]

  • Student

    6 anos atrás

    in indonesia they use wakaka cool kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk [Felipe J2tcr]

  • Student

    6 anos atrás

    It´s very interesting because we don´t know how the other countries write our 'hahaha'. My favourite one is the Thai one because if you see on Whatsapp '555555' how would you react? I would laugh a lot!!!!! : D hei what do you think about that joke I told you at school? 555555555!!! (Pietra M V T2 MDr)

  • Student

    6 anos atrás

    I liked very much to see laughs from other contries, it is very cool and i laughed a lot. For me the best type of laugt is the korean one. Pietra E. C. T2mdb

  • Student

    6 anos atrás

    I liked it!!! The one I liked the most is the laugh of Thailand ( it's very different ) and I laughed a lot with the other countries laugh especially with the laugh of the French (PDR)!!! Luiza Cavalcanti Marmo <3

  • Student

    6 anos atrás

    I like this article a lot because now I know how the other countrys laugh! S2 '' Isabella T2MDB"

  • Student

    6 anos atrás

    I laughed a lot. (Artur T2md)

  • Student

    6 anos atrás

    For me the best laughs is Korean because is ''5555555'' and it's very cool. Carol T2MD

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