Photo: publicity The Royal Mint

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the saga’s fi rst book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the United Kingdom is producing coins with the series as a theme. The news was announced on October 20th by the Royal Mint, the government agency in charge of producing coins and banknotes. Because it was created by J.K. Rowling, who is British, the saga has become a symbol of the region.

The coin that is already circulating features Harry Potter’s face with his name and the phrase “25 years of magic”. The item also has a special effect: depending on the way the coin is positioned, the number 25 (the number of years since it was first published) or a lightning bolt will appear. This represents the protagonist’s scar and is one of the emblems of the series.

Three more versions will be released by 2023: one with students boarding the train that takes them to Hogwarts School of Magic; one with the school; and another one with the school’s headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Coins start at 11 pounds, which is around 69 reais.

Coins launched in 2022 will have Queen Elizabeth II’s face on the back, while those produced starting next year will bear the image of King Charles III, the new monarch.

T h e Royal Mint is also producing other collections of commemorative coins, including items to celebrate the 100th anniversary of BBC, the news network.


The story is told in seven books and revolves around Harry, who moves in with his aunt, uncle, and cousin after his parents die. When Harry turns 11, he finds out that he is a wizard. He is invited to study at Hogwarts, where he solves the mystery behind his parents’ deaths.

The books have been made into films, with the first one being released in 2001. Afterwards, another series written by the same author titled Fantastic Beasts was added to the Harry Potter universe. The first film was released in 2016.


1) In total, how many Harry Potter commemorative coins will be released?

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Five

2) Do you enjoy collecting items such as commemorative coins? Why?

Sources: Gizmodo, G1 and Royal Mint

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