Mico-leão-dourado na Mata Atlântica, Rio de Janeiro. Imagem: Kike Calvo/UIG via Getty Images

Did you know that golden lion tamarins are animals that can only be found in Brazil, more specifically in the Atlantic rainforest? That is why they are one of the main symbols of Brazilian fauna – the golden lion tamarin is also JOCA‘s mascot.

To safeguard the life of these animals that have been in danger of extinction for decades, Adelmar Coimbra Filho, a specialist on primates (a group of mammals, such as monkeys), started a project to protect them: the Associação Mico-Leão Dourado (AMLD). To find out more about what the association does and how to protect tamarins, our eight-year-old reader, Ana Sophia V., interviewed the AMLD team. Check it out and find out more about the project.

What does the association do?

The AMLD is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) that was created in the 1960s to protect forests and save the golden lion tamarin from extinction. To do this, we created a series of activities such as taking care of the tamarins and planting trees that will become part of the forest to improve the environment where they live. We also speak in schools and give courses to teachers, family farmers, and growers in towns where these animals are found.

How many tamarins have you saved?

When we started the golden lion tamarin conservation project over 30 years ago, researchers estimated that there were 200 of them living freely in nature. After years of the conservation project’s activities, the last count showed that the number of tamarins living in nature jumped to more than 2,500.

Have you ever taken care of an injured tamarin?

It is not common to find injured tamarins. Usually, the way we care for the tamarins is by safeguarding and planting forests, but sometimes we will bring a few of them to the laboratory for exams to check if they are healthy. Aside from that, the tamarins are animals that can point to whether there is yellow fever in a region. In 2017 and 2018, there was an outbreak of this disease that affected the primates directly. Over 30% of them died. The AMLD is supporting partners that are developing a vaccine to prevent a new contamination by the disease.

Is the tamarin yellow fever vaccine the same as the one for humans?

The yellow fever vaccine for tamarins is still being tested, but it is a small fraction (that is, a small dose) of the same vaccine that is used in humans.

How does AMLD prevent tamarins from getting yellow fever?

The association is working to develop the vaccine since this is the only way to protect from the disease. Also, we are making people aware that they should not blame the monkeys for yellow fever, since it is transmitted through mosquitos. The primate is just a victim, like we are.

What do they like to eat?

Golden lion tamarins like to eat insects, small amphibians [animals that have two phases in life: an aquatic one and a semi-aquatic one such as frogs] and fruits from the Atlantic rainforest.

What is the interaction between tamarins and humans like?

Golden lion tamarins usually run away from humans. They are not aggressive, but they also do not let people get close to them. However, there are some tamarin families in Silva Jardim in the state of Rio de Janeiro that have become accustomed to being with people. That is because the association’s team and partners need to study these animals.

Where do tamarins live?

They live in certain areas of the Atlantic rainforest which covers only eight towns in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In order for the Atlantic rainforest to continue to be preserved, our association will continue to plant small seedlings that will grow into trees and become part of the forest.


1) How does the association help care for the Atlantic rainforest?
a) The association has fenced in parts of the Atlantic rainforest.
b) Every month, the association counts how many trees there still are in the forest.
c) They bring plants from other countries to the Atlantic rainforest.
d) They plant seedlings that will grow into trees.

2) What else do you think we could do to protect the golden lion tamarin?

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